In a vase on Monday 5.8.17

 I had to run outside early to gather the Nanking cherry blossoms before the general drizzle started up again.  They are a happy heartsong every spring. The wee little red maple leaf caught my eye on the way back to the house. It’s the last hurrah for Narcessi. The tiny yellow trumpet hiding in the center is super cunning to me. I call the others my frilly daffy down dilly.  Durango marigolds and Sorbet pansies in the window box.

The Nanking cherry bush in full spring glory. When the blossoms cover the ground they look like pretty pink snowflakes.  I also cut early branches and bring them inside to extend their flowering season. It’s been here since 2002, another FEDCO addition to the landscape.

Mamma Maple setting out her flowers. The trees are waking up and showing soft color before going green. The sickle bar mower has been parked for a couple of years now. 

A full vase of sweet frilly daffy downdillies I picked for the supper table on Friday. 

The new growth on the cactus has been amazing to watch. 

I’m posting “In a vase on Monday” with other garden bloggers on Rambling in the Garden. Check out the variety of colors, textures and glorious presentations. 

What shall we say? Shall we call it by a name?  Let it grow!

4 thoughts on “In a vase on Monday 5.8.17

  1. Your frilly daffy down dillies are exactly that – frilly and daffy. What a lovely vase to be looking at as you go about your business! 🙂


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